AutismLifeSpanHomes are residential homes licensed by the California Department of Health Services to provide intermediate care habilitation services to teens and young adults who have been diagnosed with autism and or related developmental disabilities.

When our residents reach milestone birthdays we change the program emphasis to meet their needs so there is never a disruption in placement. We provide lifespan care with medical management and monitoring of all the stages and ages that the young person with autism or related developmental disability will experience. Each of our three homes has programs specially designed for each stage from adolescence to adulthood.

All of the homes are nestled beneath emerald hills in a secluded and very private neighborhood in Phillips Ranch, California. Phillips Ranch is subdivision located in Pomona which is approximately 35 miles east of Los Angles and 7 miles from Orange County. Each home is beautifully maintained with manicured yards, cozy furnishings, and private and semi-private bedrooms.


Who We Are

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