Lifespan Support

We provide life span support to the families, special needs community and facilities.

Parent/Family Assistance and Training

Our professional staff offer training to parents and the community. Training Topics include: Nutrition and Autism, Developing Behavior Strategies that Work, Self Help Skill Training, Special Education Advocacy, Managing Your Child’s Physical Illnesses.

Respite Care

Our homes are vendored by the San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center for respite care. We can provide respite care for 24 hours up to 60 days. Many parents and families are able to take that much deserved weekend get-a-way or vacation knowing that their child is in a safe and protected environment. We also accept emergency respites.

New Provider Orientation Training

If you are interested in opening an intermediate care habitation/ nursing facility in California we offer the 16 hour training that meets the requirement of Section 1268.6 of the State of California Health and Safety Code. Click here to sign up.


New Provider Consultation and Facility Development

We also offer  ICF/DDH/ DDN  (intermediate care habitation and nursing facility) development consultation that is all inclusive: program plan development, development of policies and procedures,  QIDP training, licensing and certification of the intermediate care facility and on-going consultation with the new provider for 12 months after initial certification.

Mock Surveys and Facility Quality Assurance Surveys and Staff Training

If you are an owner or administrator of intermediate care facilities, you are aware how challenging, costly and stressful a state survey can be. What surprises will  that surveyor find in your facility when they knock on the facility door at 6 am in the morning. Avoid the fines, citations and the personnel turnover. We conduct mock surveys based upon the same protocol and guidelines as surveyors using Appendix J and state regulations. We do a complete and thorough audit of all client records including Q documentation, RN and allied staff assessments and reports. We observe staff for active treatment, meal service, client privacy and facility practices. We visit day programs and schools and we audit all personnel records, fire and disaster drills and incident reports. During the exit interview we provide a plan of correction and  offer staff training if indicated. All mock surveys are done by experienced QIDP’S  and RN’s.

Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP)  Training

We offer a 24  hour training course for new and experienced QIDP’S who are interested in learning the fundamental skills sets that will enable the them to administer and implement programs in intermediate care facilities.  This training is offered at a 16 hour weekend class and consists of classroom instruction, as well as 8 hours of  field work in at a ICF/DDH/N facility. This training is an excellent course for new college graduates who are looking for professional entry level positions in the medical field, experienced Registered Nurses or social workers looking for a career change or retired school teachers and other professional with social or medical degrees looking for consultant opportunities in the long term care medical field.

CPR/First Aid Training
We offer the 16 hour CPR training for first timers and renewals. We offer state mandated pediatric training to day care providers. Our program is also ideal for new parents and parents to be.

We have credentialed and specially trained teachers and other professionals who can provide professional advocacy in all educational settings.We specialize in training teachers and aides in classroom management and inclusion of the student with autism and behavioral challenges into the general educational environ. We are your personal assistant and ally in the unique life time journey of the person with autism and other developmental disabilities.